100 years of women studying at the Technical University of Vienna - "Käthe Böhm, das 'Fräulein' Ingenieur"
Science.talk Special "Women and Technology"
For 100 years, women have been allowed to study at the Vienna University of Technology. wesearch has investigated into this eventful and far too little-known history. In "Science.talk Spezial", Barbara Stöckl talked to TU Rector Sabine Seidler and the bioniker lIle Gebeshuber about women in technology. And Margarethe Szeless, co-publisher and author of the anniversary publication gave information about pioneers at the Technical University in Vienna.
Visual Culture in Postwar Austria
Article in Die Presse, April 2019
"Rubble Women"
On the occasion of the unveiling of the controversial FPÖ (Liberal Party of Austria) monument to the "rubble women" ORF (Austria`s public television) asked Margarethe Szeless for an interview. In the broadcast Vienna Today, the photo historian explains the origins of the myth "rubble woman" and why the image of the "heroines of reconstruction" is still transfigured today.